Friday, April 30, 2010

Topics of monologues

Some topics of monologues from previous years.

  • Many people think that Lennart Meri has been and will be the best PRESIDENT of Estonia


  • .... animals should be used for medical research.
  • .... computers stop children learning to read well.
  • .... that everybody should do voluntary work for the environment.
  • .... in the future, all people in the world would speak English.
  • .... Americans are the most health-concious people in the world.
  • ... it is wrong to spend money on luxury when there is povetry in the world.
  • .... we should close some regions to protect the natural environment.
  • .... all nationalities are very similar.
  • ... making a film is not art.
  • ... listening the music is the waste of time.
  • ... cars should be banned from city centres.
Why do you think they say/feel that?
Do you agree? Give examples.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Proovieksam SUULINE

Teisipäeval, 27. aprillil on plaanis veel ühed suulised eksamid, kus Maris Roostiga teid kahe peale ära kuulame ning punkte paneme (individuaalselt saate muidugi peaaegu iga päev rääkimas käia, kui soovi on:)

Praegu jäi temaga jutt, et hakkame kell 9 teiega pihta.
Tean, et II ja III tund on jutu järgi ka mata konsultatsioon, aga ehk saate see 15 minutit sealt ära olla või kui ei saa, siis muudame jooksvalt järjekorda või leiame mingi muu lahenduse.

Panen siia praegu järjekorra, kus aluseks tähestik - kellel ei sobi, oleks hea, kui omavahel vahetatud saate või siis andke mulle teada, et ei-ei, sel kellajal ma küll tulla ei saa, eks ju :)

9:00 Kadri
9:15 Maris
9:30 Raili
9:45 Janeli
10:00 Mariann
10:15 Laur
10:30 Triinu
10.45 Gerda
11:00 Jürno
11:15 Tõnis

NB! You can find the example video of the examination from
the more free and confident you feel, the better you are able to communicate and the more natural our conversation will be. Remember, it is JUST TALKING ... monologue and role play are only certain kind of "tools" in order to help you to demonstrate your English and that´s it - easy, isn´t it ?

PS! mis ülejäänud konsultatsioone puudutab, siis olete alati oodatud, eriti nendel aegadel, kui teil varemalt tunnid olid. Eriti tahaksin veel korra üle rääkida selle kirjutamise osa, mille kohta sain 9nda lõpueksami koolituselt natukene lisainfot.
Lisaks on igaühele hindamisskaala alusel hindamiseks kirjad, mis aitavad teil loodetavasti enda kirju paremini kirjutada.

Aga muidugi, kõige rohkem saate ise enda jaoks ära teha. Omavahel või sugulaste/sõpradega inglise keeles rääkides, midagi ingliskeelset lugedes, netis mistahes ingliskeelseid harjutusi teha klõpsides.
Teie Headway Advanced õpiku ülesanded leiate
Kellel on veel tegemata inglise keele ülesanded, soovitan soojalt neid teha

Lisaks kindlasti vaadata/lugeda ja end kurssi viia

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Welcome !

Just realized that the blog I created a year ago, may help you too :))
I really think and believe that in nowadays Internet is one of the most effective teachers, because it is possible to look, listen, learn, play, repeat or do whatever ... and what is most important - it gives you the instant feedback in order to show what went wrong.

Enjoy !

Friday, April 24, 2009

Practice, practice ...

The best thing you can do before this examination is to keep yourself "inside" of language and "surrounded" by language.
Practice listening and speaking and so much more

FCE Practice Tests

Improve your reading skills, general knowledge and vocabulary
Daily Mirror
USA Today